Friday, September 3, 2010

Giveaway WINNERS!

The Swan River Stone Jewelry Giveaway has ended.
It is now time to announce the lucky winners of Andrea's beautiful jewelry. was used to pick the winners, and today the random universe favored bookends, as our winners were among the very first and very last to enter the giveaway.

Winner #1 is a dear friend of mine (I swear it wasn't fixed - I never win ANYTHING on her blog).
AlwaysInspired of The Inspiring Adventures of Always Inspired, you get to first choice from the 3 lovely pieces.

Winner #2 is FellowRover from Under Moonbeams and Sunshine.
FellowRover, you will get to choose from the 2 remaining beautiful pieces.

I am about to email both of you to inform you of your wins.

I would like to thank Andrea of Swan River Stone for sharing her thoughts and talent with us for this giveaway.  You are a true gem (an Earth-friendly, non-conflict gem of course).
Thank you to all of my readers and followers old and new for popping in and checking out Swan River Stone.  I think you agree that she is fantastic.
If you are not one of the 2 lucky winners today, remember, the prices are great and the jewelry is beautiful - pick up a piece and reward yourself for doing something eco-friendly: recycling the soda cans, doing a cold-water laundry, riding a bicycle for transportation, using earth-friendly cleaning products, or even turning off lights and appliances when not in use (and yes, that means your computer too!).

Big hugs everyone, and Happy Labor Day weekend to my fellow Canadians and US neighbors.


1 AlwaysInspired said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh my! I won! Amazing! Thank you so much Heidi and Andrea for the lovely giveaway!

2 lmp said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Congratulations. I am glad to see someone so cool won. :)))

3 swanriverstone said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Congrts to AlwaysInspired and FellowRover for winning the giveaway!

Heidi, you ROCKED THIS giveaway, 102 entries is not bad at all;-) congrats to you for being such a great hostess and having it her on your beautiful blog!

Thank you to all of those who entered the giveaway for showing your interest in my work and favorite item picks. It felt really good to see what pieces were liked and why. I truly appreciate your input.

I blogged about the winners on my blog:

I hope you all continue to follow me and Heidi, we are pretty cool Etsy Folks;-)Happy Labor Day USA & to my Canadian buddies up North!